Safe-Switch w/regulator

5.1v Voltage Regulator w/Safe-Switch (RAD5031)


5.6v Voltage Regulator w/Safe-Switch (RAD5041)


6.0v Voltage Regulator w/Safe-Switch (RAD5051)


Radio South Regulator w/Safe Switch

This new safe-switch regulator combines the best of our regulator with a switch harness that is “on” in the “open” position! This means no more open switches causing crashes! By using a regulator, you can ensure that you have enough “head voltage” to keep the receiver from shutting down during high-current drain maneuvers, especially with Digital servos.


  • Size: 1.75” x .75” x .50”
  • Weight: 27 grams
  • Output current: 10 amps
  • Benefits include consistent “feel” in the model due to constant voltage
  • Increased speed and torque
  • Longer servo life
  • Switch is “on” in the “open” position, meaning you will never have a defective switch crash your model again!
  • Two versions are available, 5.1v and 5.6v output . Both will work on 5-10 cell packs.
    *3-year limited warranty covers the unit against failure of the electronics.